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check yes ONEFIVE
are you with us
rain is falling down on the sidewalk
i won't go until you come outside

welcome to 1e5ohheight.blogspot.com! (click on the above lyrics to navigate!):D
Hello,people of the world,welcome to our class blog!Enjoy your stay

one more weekend - chapter 7
Wednesday, October 29, 2008, 9:11 PM

Yes, my friends, I finally posted chapter 7.

Two weeks passed and it was already the middle of the month. I did quite a number of activities with Ryan but we hardly spoke to each other. Guess that we're still a little embarrassed over that incident.


I was in my room, surfing the net using my laptop when Miranda came in.

"Hey Lakeisha, you free now?" she asked.

"Yeah," I replied. "Why?"

"Ok... so Ryan's birthday is coming up in a few days time-"

"What has that got to do with me?" I asked,

"Well, he has invited you to his birthday party this sunday. And... you're supposed to wear a dress," she said.

"I'm supposed to WEAR A DRESS!?" I screamed, jumping up from the bed. "What the ****! Can't I wear something like jeans and tee?"

"Nope, besides, this is a formal affair. You can't possibly wear jeans and t- shirt! So you have to wear a gown," Miranda smirked. "But at least do it for my sake, please..."

"What's the colour of the gown? As long as it's red, black, white or blue. I'm fine with it."


"No make up?"

"Nope, just eyeliner."

"No high heels, fishnet stockings, silk gloves, corset, earings, necklaces or whatsoever?"

"No. Just ballet flats."

"Ok, I'm in."


"Oh my goodness, the dress looks stunning on you!" Miranda exclaimed, after I stepped out from the bathroom.

"I hate it," I grumbled, tugging at the straps. "You didn't tell me that it's spaghetti- straps. And these shoes are way too tight, it hurts."

"Who cares? At least it's only for a night. I wonder what Ryan's expression would be like when he sees you," Miranda added, smirking.

"****! I completely forgotten that Ryan will be seeing me in this!"

Then, there was a knock on the door. "Are you girls done yet?" Ryan asked.

"Almost!" Miranda replied.

I immediately applied my eyeliner and tied my hair in a ponytail. It was messy but in a elegant type of way. I slowly stepped out of the room and Ryan was staring at me. I rolled my eyes.
Boys... But I must say that he looks rather handsome in his tux.

Yeah, but not as hot as Tom, right? Artemis asked.

Whatever! I retorted.

"Continue staring and I swear that those eyeballs of yours will end up in the trashcan," I threatened.

"Oh... erm... sorry," he apologized. "It's just that you look..."

"Extremely beautiful?" Miranda piped up. I immediately nudged her angrily in the ribs.

"Yeah, like what she says," he said, smiling weakly.

I rolled my eyes and walked down the stairs.
We entered the bathroom and everybody turned towards us. Some of the guys stared at me while whispering, "Damn, that girl's hot." while some of the girls would just stare at me disapprovingly.

I ignored them, especially the girls and walked towards the stage, where Mr. and Mrs. smith were waiting. As Mr Smith introduced me to Ryan's schoolmates. I silently observed everybody at the back.

Those girls doesn't seem to like you, Artemis said. Look at the way they stare at you.

Who cares what those girls think? I replied.

'Lakeisha, would you like to say a word to them?" Mr smith asked.

I nodded and walked up to the microphone. Clearing my throat, I grabbed the stand and mumbled, "Hey people, rock on."

Then I smirked and walked down the stairs.

I leaned against the wall, this "birthday party" is dumb. There's not much to do, just loads of flirting and "running off to the bathroom to kiss" type of situations. I rolled my eyes, virginity is bound to be lost tonight. Sipping my juice, I glanced over to Ryan, who seemed a little bored while the girls talked to him.

"Hey, so you're Lakeisha."

I turned and there were five girls surrounding me. They wore loads of make up and seemed to look like the type who had lost their virginity long ago.

"Yeah, so? Is there a problem?" I retorted.

One of them wrinkled their nose in disgust at my behaviour while the others just raised their eyebrows.

"Didn't your parents teach you how to speak to someone politely?" one of them asked, folding her arms.

"Didn't your parents teach you how not to act like a total idiot around people?" I spat.

"Well, at least I'm not the one who looks like a total witch," the other said.

"FYI, this is called eyeliner and black nail polish. Oh yeah, I forgot, you girls are always wearing preppy make up so I supposed you don't know," I retorted. "By the way, you girls are like so last season." I added, trying not to laugh.

They stared at me.

"Bye," I said, and walked towards the kitchen.

I was halfway through the the kitchen when this guy stepped in front of me. I rolled my eyes, first bitchy girls , now flirty guys, what's next?

"What do you want?" I mumbled.

"Wanna dance?" he asked.

"Sorry, no thanks," I said. "I can't dance."

"Come on, don't be such a spoilsport. Just one dance, it won't hurt," he cooed.

"Are you ******* deaf!? I said no, now get out of my way, *******," I growled.

I was about to walk away when he suddenly gripped my hand tightly.

"Nobody says no to me," he growled.

I rolled my eyes. he asked for it. I gripped his wrist and with a swift motion. I twisted his arm to his back. He let out a cry of pain.

"You asked for it yourself, dumb***," I retorted. Then, I released him, stepped out of the kitchen and into the back yard.

Ryan glanced towards where she was standing. Some girls seemed to arguing with her but apparently she wasn't showing any amusement.

Suddenly, without any warning, she just stepped out from the circle and began walking towards the kitchen.

Feeling a little curious, he decided to follow her.


change in date and time!!!
Monday, October 27, 2008, 8:34 AM

OMG!!! I'm so sorry people!!
I found out that the EMA's will be on November 7th, not November 6th!
SORRY!! But it will start on 8p.m.

Jasmine, Dione, Ivie, Xin Tian. PLEASE help me watch it and tell me what Tomi, I mean, Tom will be wearing and how he acted. HOWEVER, please don't tell me stuff about him flirting with the girls or stuff like that.

danke schön!!

Thursday, October 23, 2008, 4:58 AM

Hey.Today is the last day of sec 1e5 but the blog lives forever.Yeah,I know many people do not read the blog and all that but here are somethings that I would like to say,I know I wanted to write letters to all of you guys but I didn't have the time.yeah.

Ainur-Yeah:D You're very pretty too(:
Alicia-You're very cute and yes,your lucky that mindy can make you fly while I can't
Amelia-Haha.Zac Efron loves you too(: or Jo Bro
Sanchanna-I heard you have a boyfriend
Andrea-I wish I had your knowledge
Marrisa-Why you zzz me?
Yuetting-Haha.I wished I had 5% of your knowledge and thats all I need to fulfil my dream
Choojia-Yes.I know you will pray for Germany and Me(: Choo Choo
Clara-Yeah,I know Jared has very very very dreamy dreamy eyes(:
Claudia-Thanks for talking to me in art and yeah.My art partner,thanks for doing all the work(:
Deesha-I want 5% of your skinniness
Dione-This is your 10 page message
Damini-My senior say your her favourite junior in fencing
Guimin-Yeah.He is hot.Yes,she is pretty.
Wanwen-Hey your music is so cool and I would love to have your knowledge too
Ivie-Thanks for having a scary sister
Natasha-We will battle in Guitar hero again
Rachel-I like Anime too
Kiana-Your very nice.Too nice.
Szelin-Shake it.
Lakeisha-Scream for monsoon!Tom rocks(:
Xintian-Takashemaya is gay
Joanne-You rock but your wii games is with me,you want it back?You have to pay $50,I return
Janelle-you still owe me chawan
Leanette-Mama Liew(:
Mindy-Twilight.haha.Models and straightbacks
Maisarah-I do not know you too much your great and awesome person
Reshu-Thanks for being in London with me(:
Samantha-haha.Thanks for printing me stuff for english and telling me really cool big words
Sarah Joy-haha.Smily faces everywhere
Sarah khoo-I think your laugh very funy
Shankari-I also want your knowledge
Shamini-I sat with you in the beginning of the year if you remember
Crystal-I want 7% of your height
Ann-Good maths rap(:
Jasmine-There's not 1 gay jasmine in class.
Yuxuan-haha.No I am not selling pictures of seniors.Come on,I'm so busy man

Till we meet again.
We'll love again .
And we'll laugh again
We'll cry again
And we'll dance again
And it's better off this way
So much better off this way

Kill them all
Tuesday, October 21, 2008, 2:21 AM

Does anyone notice?
Does anyone see?
If only anyone could wash this memory.
It could only be me.

I never heard the words that were spoken
Saturday, October 18, 2008, 12:38 AM

No,I didn't mean to hurt you,but it was my nature
I would want to be loved if you gave me a chance
But what you did was to throw it away
Look,how fragile we became
Is this is what we really are
Or is this who I really am
I wished how I was a part of the broken society
But yet,nobody realises how different it maybe
All I ever wanted was to be loved and accepted
But it still comes with a price
Oh,how I wished it was all the same
But past,becomes history
Time can never go back
It goes forward
Make the same mistake twice
And all shall be over
Let whats done done
And whats said said
The next time you come
Allshall start over again

EMA's are coming!
Monday, October 13, 2008, 8:35 AM

Hey everybody!!!
Just wanna say that the MTV Eurpoe Music Awards are coming!!
It'll be on 6 november, Liverpool, England.

Here are the categories and their nominees:

Rock Out: 30 seconds to mars, Linkin Park, Metallica, Paramore and Slipknot

Ultimate Urban: Alicia Keys, Beyonce, Chris Brown, Kanye West, Lil Wayne

Act of 2008: amy winehouse, britney spears, coldplay, leona lewis, rihanna

new act: duffy, jonas brothers, katy perry, miley cyrus, one republic

Best act: Britney Spears, Christina aguilera, Green Day, Rick Astley, TOKIO HOTEL, U2

headliner: Foo fighters, Linkin Park, Metallica, the cure, TOKIO HOTEL

If you want to vote, here's the URL: http://ema.mtv.co.uk/vote/#__headliner

You may think it's not important but if you are any one these bands' or singers' fan, vote. Oh yeah, to 1e5person, flame me all you want. I won't care.

Wah Xiao.This is dedicated to Xintian
Saturday, October 11, 2008, 7:35 AM

, 5:34 AM

Yay.Since Exams are over.We can do what we like to do.And say what we wanna say.Okay.Thats for now,anyway some class news.Samantha Wong has a new blog,it is http://erulastielelf128.blogspot.com I don't know what it means but check it out!

I would like to DEDICATE this to 1e5 person
Sunday, October 5, 2008, 11:22 PM

Everybody took the exam today.
It was somewhere around easy and difficult.
Much to the delight of the whole class.

However, seriously, I would've gladly typed about the fun times we had as a class.
The entertainment times, making some of the teachers angry or probably some other fun stuff that we did as a class.
But however, instead we were supposed to type about some stuff that nobody would want to read. Like about class and school.

It was all fun, everybody was happily posting their views and b'day shoutouts, chatting happily on the tagbaord. But now, it's all gone... all over the blog is, today I went to school...

Our class blog will be dead, again.....

To the whole of 1e5
Friday, October 3, 2008, 12:21 AM

Hi guys! I know that many of you complained to me that the "Ryan Smith" or "Felicity" story is very difficult to read because of the fading pencil marks and some of you have requested to help me type it but don't worry, coz my story is now posted on my wordpress blog!

BTW, only chapter 1 and 2 is posted coz I'm still typing chapter 3 out. And now the story has a title, it's "One More Weekend". Tks to my buzznet friend ;) There will be quite a no. of P.O.V.s in this story so just to clear things out. BLUE is my point of view, GREY is when I'm talking to my "imaginary" friends and GREEN for the third person P.O.V.


P.S: Spoiler: something will happen to Ryan. hehe

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