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check yes ONEFIVE
are you with us
rain is falling down on the sidewalk
i won't go until you come outside

welcome to 1e5ohheight.blogspot.com! (click on the above lyrics to navigate!):D
Hello,people of the world,welcome to our class blog!Enjoy your stay

We ALL know that DIONE IS THE BEST(:
Sunday, August 31, 2008, 9:19 PM

im being kind to you guys
wasting my time
getting scolded by my Mom for doing this worthless thing
here are the photos you've been dying for
have a good laugh
then cry
cause the whole world has just seen the ugly truth



gets easily DISTRACTED

and LAUGHS for no reason

and gets SHY in front of 20-year-old cameras

JasmineHE, failed attempt of trying to ruin a portrait of HAPPINESS

Yeahyeah. She bring you SEXYHAIR. Yeah! *in a squeaky ChooJia voice*


and again..

and EVERYBODY wants a picture with the ORANGE tofu

who's hand so EXTRA

Um, no comment. HI MINDY!!

Ivie!! Ah-Lian pose!!


so cute ar

Reshu's in the house.

thats all for the day
if you're reading this
although this is kinda late


Saturday, August 30, 2008, 1:36 AM

This is only a DRABBLE, remember, nothing speical that's all.

I was about to leave when he grabbed my hand. His bloodshot eyes stared into my watery ones.
“Don’t leave,” he choked.” I’m sorry.”
“I have to,” I said, trembling. “Goodbye.”
I pulled my hand away and left the house, tears streaming down. I never looked back nor did I went back. There were too many memories there, sweet and bitter.

By: no one

The time of our live:D
Friday, August 29, 2008, 6:09 AM

Our blog is really really really dead.haha.Today's teacher's day and yeah here are some pictures,come to think of it.I guess our class are quite bonded.We should really enjoy our sec1 lives before all the bad things in our fragile future comes you know,yeah,sometimes we may get annoyed from each other but in the end,we will always laugh at Mr lim,Ms Ow,Reshveena and the entertainment.Here are some pictures of a class that is awesome:)

Ms Seow:D

Mr Tan:D

And Of Course,our beloved Ms Ow:D

Best Friend to Lovers
Wednesday, August 20, 2008, 3:07 AM

Tom Kaulitz, my best friend and my crush. He was totally perfect in almost every way, well except sometimes for his ego. However, I knew that it was impossible for him to fall in love with me. I mean, even tough he was my closest friend, besides Gustav, Georg and Bill. He was always surrounded by his fans, what am I compared to them?
I sighed, running a hand through my hair. But there might be this little chance that he would be... NO! He's my best friend and will always be my best friend, nothing more. Exasperated, I lay on my bed and looked at my posters on the walls beside my bed.
"What should I do?" I asked, looking at the My Chemical Romance poster on the wall.
No reply...
I immediately buried my face in my pillow and screamed. That's it, I'm going nuts, gotta find a way to tell him.


I sat at the cafeteria table, picking on my salad when Bill clapped my shoulders.
"What's the matter? Picking on your salad like you had just fallen in love," said Bill.
"Yup, I am," I answered, chewing on a carrot slice.
"Who is it?" Bill asked. "Is it Gustav?"
I shook my head.
I raised an eyebrow.
I gave him the Do- I- Look- Like- Your- Type look.
"Erm... Tom?"
I spat out my carrot slice and looked at him with the How- Do- You -Know look.
"Whoa, chill!" he exclaimed. He lowered his voice and whispered," You're in love with Tom!?"
I nodded and whispered, "But don't you tell it to Tom or I'll kill you!"
Bill nodded.
"Good," I said. "I better get going, see you in science class!"
Then, Gustav and Georg walked over and saw Bill with a smirk on his face.
"What's the matter, Bill?" Georg asked.
"Remember the time when Tom said that he had a crush on Jacqueline? Apparently Jacqueline had a crush on him too!" Bill said. "She told me just now!'
"No kidding, does Tom know?" Gustav asked.
"Nope, Jacqueline doesn't want him to know," Bill said. "But, you two are going to help me get them to confess to each other. Here's what we're going to do..."


I stared at the teacher with glassy eyes, mind wondering off to who- knows- where. This science class was duller than history class! What's wrong with the teacher!? Just when my mind was about to wander off again, Bill, who was sitting beside me tapped my shoulder.
"What?" I asked, irritated.
"Tom told me to pass this to you," he whispered, passing me a note.
I turned to the back of the class where Tom was sitting. He caught me looking at him and smiled. I smiled back and immediately read the note which said:
"Dear Jacqueline, since there isn't anything to do tonight, would you like to meet me at the park at 7 tonight? There's something I got to tell you.
I sated at the note with my jaw hanging down. Tom wants to tell me something important!? Can the timing be any perfect? I can take this chance to tell him how I actually feel about him! I immediately took out my pen and scribbled "Sure, no problem." on the note and handed it back to Bill.
"Please help me hand this back to Tom," I said. "Tell him that I said yes."
Bill nodded.
I looked at the clock, hoping that scholl will end immediately. I mean, who would be willing to sit through 6 periods of school when you know that you'll be confessing to the love of your life?
Bill read the note and smirked, the plan was going smoothly. Now, time to prepare Tom's note.


Tom placed his books in the locker, glad that science class was over. He hated physics! What's the point of learning about principle of moments, density, force and etc? It's completely useless! Tom pointed a middle finger at the physics classroom and smirked, wondering if anybody spotted that.
"If mum saw that, she would probably cut your finger off," a voice behind him said.
Tom looked behind and saw Bill wagging a finger at him. "You're supposed to set a good example for me but since when did pointing middle fingers at classrooms were included?"
"Well, just pretend you didn't see that," Tom replied.
"Ok, by the way, Jacqueline told me to pass this to you," Bill said, handing Tom a note.
Tom opened the note and read, it said:
"Hey Tom, since there isn't anything to do tonight, would you like to meet me at the park at 7 tonight? There's something important I have to tell you.
Tom's eyes widened a little and coughed, Jacqueline wants to meet him?Now why would she do that? Can't they talk in school? But, as Tom has this huge crush on Jacqueline that he has been meaning to tell her, a confession won't hurt. Maybe Jacqueline feels the same about him too. So he immediately took out his pen and wrote "Yes" on the note, not giving a damn whether it was legible or not.
"Hand this back to Jacqueline," Tom said. "Oh, I won't be attending band practice tonight."
"Ok," Bill said. "Shouldn't you be at Home Economics class now?"
"F***! I completely forgotten all about it! See you after school!" Tom yelled, running towards the Home Economics room.
"Bill!" somebody yelled.
Bill turned and saw Gustav running towards him with Georg following behind.
"Hey guys! Shouldn't you be in class?" Bill asked.
"It's free period for us, what about you? Don't you have Design & Technology today?" Gustav asked.
"The teacher's not here, by the way, our plan worked! Jacqueline and Tom completely fell for the fake notes! So now, what you guys are going to do is..."


I walked towards the park, wondering whether Tom was going to tell me that he likes me. It might not be possible but I'm still hopeful. A breeze blew across my face and I shivered. I was only wearing a long- sleeved shirt and jeans but it still wasn't enough to keep the chill from sinking into my bones.
I looked up and saw Tom stamding next to a lampost, looking at his watch. I immediately ran towards him.
"Hi," I said. "Sorry that I'm late."
"Never mind," Tom said. "So, what are you going to tell me?"
"Huh?" I asked. "Didn't you intrusct Bill to pass me a note saying that you wanted to meet me here?"
"No, I thought you're the one who asked Bill to pass me a note saying that you wanted to meet me."
"F***," I swore, finally realising what happened. "Bill set us up he was the one who gave us the notes."
"Damn...since there isn't much to do and I'm not going for band practice, why don't we just take a walk around the park?" Tom suggested.
As we walked, there was this unnatural silence between us. We hardly said anything to each other guess we're both rather furious at Bill. I shivered, it was getting colder and I felt that I was in the Arctic.
"You're shivering," Tom said. "Here, put this on, you may catch a cold." Then, he removed his jacket and put it on me.
"What about you?" I asked.
"I don't need it," he said.
"But, you may end up catching a cold! I don't care, you better put it on," I protested, removing it.
"I don't need it,"
"I don't care!"
"I really don't need it."
"Just take it!"
"I really f***ing don't need it!" Tom yelled, grabbing me close by the arms.
I blushed and looked away, feeling awkward that he was holding me close to him. I could feel his breath on my cheek when suddenly he leaned down and kissed me.


"Hurry up, Gustav!" Goerg hissed, geturing towards the boy behind him.
"I'm running as fast as possible! At least you're not the one holding an expensive camera," Gustav muttered.
Georg ducked behind some bushes and whispered," Gustav! Start shooting! I've spotted Tom and Jacqueline, apparently they strolling now."
"This is gonna be good," Gustav chuckled.


I squeaked in surprise, Tom was kissing me!? I cheered Tom actually felt the same towards me! I deepened the kiss and wrapped my arms around his neck. He broke off and said, "Jacqueline, I have this crush on you which I think is slowly turning to true love."
"I know. I feel the same way about you too," I giggled and kissed him.


"Have you got the whole thing?" Georg asked.
"Yup, wait till Tom finds out about this," Gustav repiled, smirking.

hehe, do you have any idea who wrote this? *PPL WHO KNOW, DON'T SAY THE NAME OUT...

Wednesday, August 13, 2008, 5:14 AM

HELLO 1E5!!!

our care for our class
Tuesday, August 5, 2008, 1:51 AM

hey 1e5,
we have been noticing for a long time and we think that actually we should bond more with each other(:we CAN have cliques but i think we still must have a understanding that we have to be friends with one another and mix with others.
learn more about each other, care more(:
ok?pls listen just for this once pls 1e5...we would really appreciate it A LOT!
In the past, ppl use mask to hide their feelings ,how sad they are with their life and how desperate they are to want a good friend to understand them and of course to talk to. some of us dont even know they exist or even take the time to notice them and frustration.now, some of the "mask" ppl are speaking up and we should all try to mix with her, care for her. "mask" person i think you who you are , stop hurting urself, you have 1e5 with you!you ARE part of 1e5!
EVERYONE OPEN YOUR EYES,SEE WHO YOU'VE NOT TALK A LOT TO AND TALK TO HER, UNDERSTAND HER.maybe it was just a misunderstanding thats all talk, to solve it!
take care everyone,god bless!
love yourself,love others!
theres always hope(:

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